Welkers Crossroads EMC exists to love God through vibrant worship, to love others through Christian fellowship and making disciples who grow in their faith, and to serve the world through compassionate ministry.
Rev. John Phillips has been pastor at Welker’s since 2010. He is originally from Statesville, NC. He is ordained through the Evangelical Methodist Church and has a Master of Divinity degree from Wesley Biblical Seminary, Jackson, MS. Rev. Phillips is also an online instructor for Ohio Christian University, Circleville, OH and the Haggard School of Ministry of the EMC., Indianapolis, IN.
Mr. Michael Harden is our Deacon. In the EMC, Deacons have a ministry of the Word and Service, assisting the pastors in their ministry. He completed his training through the Haggard School of Ministry. His ministry is visitation, teaching, running our electronic equipment, and assisting the pastor in general. Michael holds two Associate Degrees in computer repair and programming and holds secular employment.
Welkers Crossroads is an Evangelical Methodist Community. Here is the denomination’s website: